• Centre Pro Oriente Christiano

Centre Pro Oriente Christiano

Centre Pro Oriente Christiano was established by the Dean of the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University and approved by its Academic Senate on 23rd June 2010.  It is part of the Faculty´s Chair of Theological Ethics and Spiritual Theology.

Centre Pro Oriente Christiano specializes in the study of theology, spirituality, liturgy, canons, history, and culture of the four eastern Christian patriarchal traditions, i.e. of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and Constantinople. Our particular aim is to shed light on those churches of the Byzantine rite that are present in the Czech Republic,

Our research is carried under an ecumenical perspective and will contribute to building bridges that may connect the various Christian denominations.


Mlada Mikulicová, Ph.D.


  • Assistant professor at Department of Biblical Sciences at KTF UK

  • Main field: religions and cultures of the Ancient Near East, languages and literature of the Old Testament, parabiblical literature of the Syro-Palestinian and Arabic region

  • Specific concerns in Eastern Christianity: Christian Arabic literature, religious relations between the Bible and the Qur´an, Arabic apocrypha, history of Christianity in the Arab countries



members (in alphabetic order):

doc. PhDr. Josef Bartoň, Th.D.


  • Associate professor at Department of Biblical Sciences at KTF UK, head of the Section of Ancient Languages

  • Main field: ancient languages (Greek, Latin, Church Slavonic), history of Czech Bible, biblical translatology, Czech biblical style

  • Specific concerns in Eastern Christianity: Greek patristic literature, religion and culture of the Slavic peoples




doc. ThLic. Jaroslav Brož, Th.D. S.S.L.


  • Head of Department of Biblical Sciences at KTF UK

  • Main field: New Testament, biblical hermeneutics, biblical spirituality

  • Specific concerns in Eastern Christianity: Christian Syriac of the Antiquity, Syriac spiritual literature (St. Ephraim, Jacob of Serug, Isaac the Syrian)



ThLic. Jan Kotas, S.L.L.


  • Assistant professor at Department of Pastoral and Law Sciences at KTF UK, priest of Prague Archdiocese, rector of Archbishop´s Seminary in Prague

  • Main field: Liturgics

  • Specific concerns in Eastern Christianity: Byzantine liturgy (regular services at Sts. Cosmas and Damian Church in Emmaus Monastery)


Lukáš Nosek, Th.D.

  • academic staff at the Department of Fundamental and Dogmatic theology at KTF UK

  • Main field: islamology, history of relations of christianity and islam, history of catholic theology

  • Specific concerns in Eastern Christianity: Arabic Christian Literature (theology, philosophy, christian-muslim polemics)


doc. ThLic. Mgr. Karel Sládek, Th.D.


  • Associate professor at Department of Theological Ethics and Spiritual Theology at KTF UK

  • Main field: spiritual theology, Eastern theology

  • Specific concerns in Eastern Christianity: Russian religious thought, religiousness of the Russian and the Ukrainian minorities in the Czech Republic



doc. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th.D.


  • Associat professor at Department of Fundamental and Dogmatic Theology at KTF UK

  • Main field: history of theology, patrology, patristic, monastic spirituality

  • Specific concerns in Eastern Christianity: Eastern Christian traditions, Eastern monasticism


"The Church must breathe with her two lungs! In the first millennium of the history of Christianity, this expression refers primarily to the relationship between Byzantium and Rome. From the time of the Baptism of Rus' it comes to have an even wider application: evangelization spread to a much vaster area, so that it now includes the entire Church. If we then consider that the salvific event which took place on the banks of the Dnieper goes back to a time when the Church in the East and the Church in the West were not divided, we understand clearly that the vision of the full communion to be sought is that of unity in legitimate diversity."

John Paul II, Encyclical Ut unum sint II, 54.

Poslední změna: 9. březen 2017 17:13 

"Církev musí dýchat oběma svými plícemi! V prvním tisíciletí dějin křesťanství lze toto vyjádření použít především o vztazích mezi Byzancí a Římem. Od pokřtění Rusi dochází k jeho širšímu uplatnění: evangelizace se šiří do mnohem rozsáhlejších oblastí, a tak nyní tento obraz zahrnuje celou církev. Jestliže pak uvážíme, že spásný akt na březích Dněpru se udál v době, kdy církev na Východě a církev na Západě nebyla rozdělena, jasně pochopíme, že vizí plného společenství, které máme hledat, je jednota v legitimní různosti."

Encyklika Jana Pavla II. Ut unum sint II, 54.


Centrum Pro Oriente Christiano

Katolická teologická fakulta

Univerzity Karlovy

Thákurova 3

Praha 6

160 00

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